Countdown to the Publication of the Starlight Letters

Countdown to the Publication of the Starlight Letters

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Seasonal Ghosts

It has long been felt that ghosts tread through the world of the living when nights are longer and the temperature is cool. From Halloween to the Winter Solstice, ghost hunters explore the old houses and cemeteries looking for spirits. But, myself, I have found no real difference between winter and summer when it comes to finding ghosts. In fact, there seems to be more activity in summer. This may be due to the fact that summer air is warmer -- heat, like electromagnetic frequencies, is energy. This energy can be used by ghosts much in the same way. From late spring to summer, the air can also be charged with ions as thunderstorms roll in. All of this gives energy ghosts use to move furniture, speak to the living, manifest themselves, and harm all of us.

Don't wait for winter; hunt now.


  1. Thanks James, we will. We have had some luck in the summer at known 'haunted hotels'. That seems to be the best time for us to go anywhere.....Julie

  2. You're definitely onto something. I totally agree with Julie. I've found that during our monsoon season here when we have ridiculous electrical storms and lots of humidity, more things occur. Come to think of it, most of our really dramatic events where I grew up occurred in the summer when we had an electrical storm every day. I wonder sometimes if energy can old itself in a space and continue to feed the surroundings for some time afterwards. If it's true that water and quartz which are electrically conductive can hold spirit energy, than perhaps it's true that charged ions can too. Many people report the scent of ozone when a spirit is around. Of course, winters in most places, and especially AZ, have very dry air. It was -3 dewpoint the other day here! Everything metal I touched, I got a huge shock! My hair was practically standing on end! I think as well that static electricity is a wonderful condition, as well.
