Countdown to the Publication of the Starlight Letters

Countdown to the Publication of the Starlight Letters

Monday, January 23, 2012

From the Vile Depths

I swam for the surface of consciousness and broke through the watery casket that had entombed me. Clear of thought and action, I rose from my bed and tore off the tubes and wires entrapped me. Alarms pulsed annoyingly as I made my escape, but escape I did.

I found my clothes folded neatly in a drawer along with my wallet, keys, watch and some money. It wasn't enough for public transportation, but I knew where a nearby truck stop was and truckers are lonely road people who love to help and rarely ask questions.

I eventually found my way home. My daughter is still at work. She will be gloriously happy to see me!!

Now I am free to pursue those that have died yet still walk among us.

James Starlight, PhD.

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